Monday, August 25, 2008

Kasaan's First Chicken Fight!

It was really a David and Goliath story from the beginning that ended up being a disqualification on both children for not knowing the rules. Bird and I took a weekend trip up to Tilton, NH sometime in the last two month I really don't even know when it was but it was just the best. Our dear friends Julie and Alex live there and they invited us up for the weekend. We ate greasy pizza they took us to a great place or blueberry pancakes and then the whole Cutler family came up for a BBQ. Friends, relaxation, and water a great recipe for the Jennings.

We stayed at a mansion that sits on the Tilton Academy property. The old house combined with the beautiful gardens and small town feel was so nice.

Sometimes I have to pinch myself to see if I'm really living this dream. God has blessed me with such a beautiful wife and the world's happiest, smiliest, baby. But it is hard to tell this kid is still a baby. His personality has come into full bloom and he is all energy and all smiles.

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