The last few weeks have been so much fun with Kasaan. On Monday night for example we were on our way out to dinner and he had been so good we were like, "Lets skip the dinner grab fast food and go see a movie." Clearly we were aware of the risks involved in taking a 3 month old into a film but we were willing. He woke up a couple times but other than that he was awesome. Things are really good on our end...this Sunday Kasaan is going to be dedicated at our church. We are excited about that. I'll never forget the days after he was born simply praying back to God this wonderful gift that he had given me. I didn't feel like I was worthy of him or capable of training him. The Lord has given us strength to raise him so far and we are excited about the commitments the church will give us on Sunday to help raise Kasaan in the LORD.
Bird is still very tired. Her class is going well and our schedule is working out just fine for me to be home with Kasaan.