Things don't always go the way we plan them. No matter how many emails or phone calls or support letters we send out, sometimes God has to test us to see if we are still trusting in him.
We found out a couple of days ago that our plans to travel to Southern Spain have been changed. We were hoping to travel to Murcia to work with a church during an evangelistic campaign. We were hoping to see how they work with Muslims up from Morocco but it wasn't in God's plan for us. The church down there has changed the dates of their work and Bird and I will be gone during the new dates. So what do you do? You work with God. We are told our Bible Study tonight that we are going to do another study and have a movie night next week. So we are not shutting down, we are not slowing down, we have invested in Salamanca and some of the people here and we are going to give it another week here!
Pray for us as we have only a week and a half left in Spain!
We love you dearly and pray God's blessings on your life!
(Picture from Plaza Mayor--downtown Salamanca)
Man, isn't that the truth. Right when you think you've got things all planned out God seems to like to throw a curveball to keep you on your toes (or knees!!).
Though I'm sure it must be dissappointing not to get see and help out in what the church in Murcia is doing, I think that it is so neat that you will be able to spend an extra week investing in and solidifing the friendships you have made in Salamnca. What a blessed trip, and What a cool picture of the Plaza Mayor!
Los Lemons
Cool photo!
"Things don't always go the way we plan them."
ha, tell me about it! lol
Awesome though that you get to spend another week with the friends you've made - sounds like God decided they needed you there another week :)
Sending prayers & love,
Deb (& Jaden sends drooly smoochies to you both!)
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