Monday, July 23, 2007

A Three-fold Cord is Not Quickly Broken!

If one falls down the other can pick her up. But woe to the person who when they fall has no one there to help them up. Yes of course if God is a part of your marriage and you are both working in your devotion to God then between the three of you your marriage should have some form of success based on the worlds standards. This week in our Bible study we will be talking about friendship and how if you have two friends that is good but if you have three, well, even better. How do we measure friendship and when and how should we terminate friendships and what would God say about the people in my life just now who are influencing me in a positive or negative way? In Ecclesiastes 4 Solomon has a thing or two to say about friendship, he values it and wants us to value it as well. But I think we should also be wise in our selection. That is the message we are hoping to get across on Wednesday night. Please pray for Spaniards to come and hearts to be nudged.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good lesson for all of us...will be praying.