Sunday, December 16, 2007

Santa's at Starbucks!

Reaping the employee benefits. Kasaan was the first one that day to offer up his wish to Santa. "I wish that Dad would get his stinking paper done and I wish that mom would stop tickling me so I'd eat more, using cold wipes on my bottom, and changing my diaper in general has become a real drag. Is there anything you can do about that? Also could you give my mom some more sleep? Our Christmas tree is wicked cool so thanks for that one. Oh Santa, I love my bathtime! Could you hook me up with a velvet bathrobe or something! I'm just so chill after my bath I feel like I need to be in something nice up against my skin. But you know what I mean...come on you are the king of velvety bathrobes! Wicked nice! Thanks Santa."

OK so let me tell you what's going on. I'm two days away from finishing my final paper for seminary. Its been a long 3 1/2 years but come Tuesday, I'm never looking back. I'll post the paper on the blog it promises to be a real snooze to 99% of you but for those of you that need some stimulating night time reading to put you to sleep...we promise not to disappoint you. Bird is doing a phenomenal job at being a mom. Stress and exhaustion has reached new levels but the Lord has been so faithful and good. We leave for VA next Sunday morning and will be spending Christmas with the Byrne's. Kasaan is changing almost daily. He is one month old and we just love him so much.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Look at those cute little lips! -and that hat! -and that HOT MAMMA! You look SOOOO beautiful Ms. Margaret, and Gregg, I feel SOoooooo relieved for you to be finishing up this huge endeavor of growth and seed planting. I hope your harvest is rich and full! I don't know if you'll still be in Va for the weekend of Dec. 30th, but if you are, I am coming over to the Byrne household to peep at Kasaan. If not, I will keep peeping at pictures.